Get to know Strategies Inc. ABA.

Strategies, Inc. is an Applied Behavior Analysis company serving Florida, Georgia, California, and Maryland.

Owned and operated by Cheryl Reiser, MS,BCBA since January of year 2000 when she decided to open her own agency so she could make a larger impact in the special needs community. Since opening in the year 2000, Strategies, Inc. has provided services to over 3000 clients and their families.

Strategies, Inc. believes that each client is capable of making positive changes in their behavior to live a more productive lifestyle. Currently, Strategies, Inc. serves approximately 300 clients and employs over 60 staff members.

What we can do:

  • Assist caregivers with strategies for behavior change
  • Train Parents/Guardians to handle difficult situations
  • Provide resources for additional therapies
  • Create individualized motivational techniques
  • Encourage positive social interaction and add “in home” and out in the community.
  • Teach communication and appropriate social skills.
  • Teach Activities of Daily Living Skills
  • Reduce Problematic and Inappropriate Behaviors.

What ABA services Cannot do:

  • Babysit
  • Respite Care
  • Psychological Counseling
  • Case Management
  • Tutoring or Homework
  • Personal Shopping for client
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Cheryl Reiser Headshot

Meet The Team

  • Cheryl Reiser

  • Cindy Peggs

    Billing & Payroll Coordinator
  • Tammy Negri

    Chief Behavioral Officer
  • Dr. Jada Tucker

    Lead Clinical Director
See the Entire Team

Celebrating Black History

Each February, National Black History Month serves as both a celebration and a powerful reminder that Black history is American history, Black culture is American culture, and Black stories are essential to the ongoing story of America — our faults, our struggles, our progress, and our aspirations.  Shining a light on Black history today is as important to understanding ourselves and growing stronger as a Nation as it has ever been.  That is why it is essential that we take time to celebrate the immeasurable contributions of Black Americans, honor the legacies and achievements of generations past, reckon with centuries of injustice, and confront those injustices that still fester today.